Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reasons Why People Leave

Top Reasons Why People Leave Their Companies.

insipired by the article from Forbes.Com Online

If you know how it is when people "talk you down", then you know where I'm driving at. When you're a rank and file personnel, most of the times your superiors "talk you down" wherein fact you're just explaining or clarifying something. How can that be so hard to understand? Okay, Im pretty sure you guys dont know what I mean or is driving at. Well, here's the jizz:

There's this urgent job order that was given to you just now, saying that you have to use an article or post written for July 3, which is today, and that they were giving me day to get the job done. The thing is, if they're gonna give me a day, doesn't that discount the fact that the job that Im doing now is supposed to be moved to July 4 just because they're giving me a day to do it? So it just doesnt mean that they really are giving me a day for it. Suddenly as I was in the process of making things clearer for them also for my end, They started "talking me down". What a rude way to hear out my words, getting cut off without ever hearing the whole gist of what I said, just because they're "mataray" doesnt mean "paninidigan" nila yun, isn't fair is all I'm saying.

I have no rights to be listened to?! Isn't that unfair?! Mabuti-buti't hindi ako nakikipagsagutan ng pabalagbag!

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