Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It's been almost a year or two since I last wrote on this blog, and things have been rough and tumble and sweet at the same time. I was never in a state of freedom when I was employed. Now, I experienced being an independent designer and have clients of my own, I realized it's much way harder to get clients but rewarding at the same time. Double the effort and worth the effort, money wise. You don't get to feed the pockets of them fat people upstairs. Them upper level management types who just order people to work and sometimes using a verbal whip to shape them to do their bidding. Corporate life sucks, I should know, been there for almost 10+ years and hasn't amassed the wealth I needed to, to buy my own house and to settle down. Unlike the corporate higher ups, I'm not saying they don't deserve what they have right now, what I'm driving at is, bosses rarely do recognize what your worth, your your own gauge. You are the only one who knows how much your worth, not in terms of monetary value, but a self's worth. How you truly value yourself reflects on your work most of the times. Now let's say you have the most creative idea and it runs out it's being mishandled and skewed towards your superior's taste, then I'd safely say that you clearly don't have a handle on that, mainly because they're your boss and that you have to do what they say no matter how absurd it is for you, no matter how impossible that is for you. Still, you make ends meet in order to satisfy what they want. But all you wanted was being credited for your idea, that isn't much to ask, right? It pains me to think that much of the work-wankers we encounter down the line are the worst ones I've encountered so far. Not even nurturing or helping you feel better, it's completely the opposite. They weren't there for me to be mentored on when I was still at a junior level. I was always looking for an Obi-Wan of sorts mentor, but sadly it was just an ideal. Never have I encountered such nurturing souls. I could name a few, but surely you know who you are. I respect you guys for simple being who you are. Sadly, there are only a few of you who've instilled in me the virtues of a good employee, that's why Ive treasured them In me, always.