Thursday, January 13, 2011

Isn't it nice...

Hey folks,
Isn't it nice, to once in a while, sit back, relax and enjoy what relaxation offers?
Contemplate. hmnnn....

Rest your back easily on an easy chair, rocking chair, or whatever furniture offers you a relaxed pose. Go grab a book or watch a movie-thon, or just browse the web. Play your favorite Facebook Game. Go grab your Game Consoles or Handheld games and challenge every game enemy and go zonkers over every level you surpass.

Better yet, do your favorite hobby(in my case, painting), yours will vary on what you'd really want to craft(i.e. your guitar skills?, piano, trombone or whatnots). Whichever you want can depend on what you want to accomplish. As long as it provides the thing you need most where you feel most relaxed.

Or if you're into a more mystical approach, i encourage yoga or meditation.

There are others who'd rather go out and face nature head-on, i mean the great outdoors, hiking in Sagada or trekking in Batangas, swimming in Coron, Palawan, mountain climbing in Devil's Peak.

Whatever's your cup of tea or otherwise, its up to you, pursue and enjoy!!! I know I did because I followed mine. ^_^

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